Physiological Factors
It common to assume that poor sleep or low energy is related solely to a hectic lifestyle or stress. As a result, the impact of physiological variables can get overlooked.
Genetics: Ever wonder why you have trouble sleeping even though you don’t feel anxious or depressed? Or wonder why you’re sleepy even though you sleep 7-8 hours a night? Although behavioral and lifestyle factors largely regulate sleep and wakefulness, genetics also play a role. Further, having a blood relative with a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug abuse, may increase your risk for non-restorative sleep and daytime tiredness and fatigue even if you yourself do not have a mental health concern.
Temperament: We all see the world in our own way. Our temperament refers to those aspects of our personality that are thought to be mainly innate or hard-wired, such as shyness, extroversion, optimism, pessimism and resiliency. These characteristics drive our actions and reactions to events in our lives, and shape our experience and view of the world. Lifestyle, temperament style and neurotransmitter vulnerabilities not only affect our susceptibility to develop certain sleep difficulties but also determine, in part, whether those difficulties improve or worsen. Treatment strategies vary and by taking the time to understanding your personality traits, Dr. Scott is able to target approaches that are best suited for you.
Medical Health
During sleep, the body is in an active state of repair and recovery. Poor or insufficient sleep can increase your risk of developing certain chronic illnesses and interfere with successful management of these conditions. In other cases, medical conditions and/or their treatment can lead to or worsen sleep disturbance. Below are some of these conditions:
Heart attacks
Heart failure
High blood pressure
Sexual dysfunction
Reduced immunity
Chronic pain
Thyroid disease
Kidney disease
Parkinson’s Disease
Enlarged prostate/overactive bladder